
This is another project that are made from beginning to end and which among other things see how modeling clay paint seamlessly with our all-terrain Pintyplus Basic. And it is that spray paints are many brands and qualities, but none have as many applications as this, really. On this occasion, Hamptonsc used modeling clay Jovi.


We love to make things easier for people, especially those who are more creative, because things get easier to dedicate more time creating and less on running, and with the same results. The other day I painted a headboard in 3 minutes with spray paint. A brush would have been a quarter of an hour at least. Paste Jovi is a bit the same, open and is ready for modeling.

First you give way to the figure you want to create. When finished and before it dries, you stick one spike to hang on the wall. We smoothed the surface with a damp cloth and wait to dry completely. This is very important because if moisture remains whether inmates could eventually evaporates slowly and spoil the paint to put up. Hamptonsc waited three days.


then well we can only smooth the surface with very fine sandpaper, remove any dust that may have and paint with Pintyplus Basic.
