Turn your basic Acrylic table into something more striking and beautiful. The idea is to play with the transparency of the table by creating a layered effect. The photos show a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this design.
Firstly thoroughly clean all the surfaces to ensure they are free from dust and grease as well as moisture.
Then mask your design on the outside of the table using masking tape or similar, including the edges.
Spray the inside of the table with Pinty Plus Evolution spray paint in your chosen colour (cream in this case). Followed by the outside in a contrasting colour such as this silver grey from the Pinty Plus Evolution range. Tip: When spraying it is important to use slow sweeping movements (without stopping) rather than applying too much paint at once to prevent uneven coverage and drips.
Immediately remove the masking tape carefully and allow the paint to dry thoroughly.
Thank you Mari Luz of Brico Deco for showing us how to achieve this.